Men's weight loss recipes lose 10 pounds a week
One week quick weight loss recipe Monday:
Noon: Chicken or beef tongue. Roasted tomatoes. Any kind of green vegetables such as cucumber. Coffee or tea.
Evening: fish or seafood. Cucumber or tomato salad, any kind of vegetable. A piece of bread. Coffee or tea.
Roasted tomatoes method: preheat the oven to 80-100 degrees. Remove the stems and cut the tomatoes in half, sprinkle with salt, black pepper, drizzle with olive oil, add dried Provencal spices, and bake in the oven for one to two hours.
One week quick weight loss recipe Tuesday:
Noon: A can of comprehensive canned fruit or other canned fruit. Coffee or tea.
Dinner: beef minced steak, lamb or any kind of red meat. Olive oil salad made from tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber and other vegetables. Coffee or tea.
Oil and vinegar salad method: chop one, two small red onions, one small garlic and sprinkle it on the salad, two tablespoons of olive oil, two tablespoons of wine vinegar, salt and black pepper, and crush the brazilian Sprinkle. This oil vinegar method is suitable for cucumber and any kind of lettuce.
One week quick weight loss recipe Wednesday:
noon: salmon or tuna salad. Choose one of four season fruits. Coffee or tea.
A can of canned salmon or tuna is added to the vinegar salad.
Evening: ham or cold meat. Cucumber and lettuce salad. Coffee or tea.
One week quick weight loss recipe Thursday:
noon: Three boiled eggs. Salad, any kind of lettuce. Coffee or tea.
Boiled egg salad simple method: wash the eggshells, put in cold water in the container and boil for two minutes, turn off the heat. Peel the tomatoes and slice them. Sprinkle two small pieces of garlic and one red onion on the tomatoes and hard-boiled eggs, drizzle with vinaigrette sauce, and sprinkle with crumbled brazil.
Dinner: Grilled chicken (not limited to the part, but the skin should be peeled). Boiled spinach. Coffee or tea.
One week quick weight loss recipe Friday:
noon: a piece of cheese (about 150-200G). Boiled spinach. a piece of bread. Coffee or tea.
Dinner: fish or seafood. Any lettuce salad or any kind of boiled vegetables. a piece of bread. Coffee or tea.
Boiled green vegetables reference method: pat two or three pieces of garlic, two pieces of chicken or beef soup, drop in water to boil for two minutes, boil the vegetables under the water, and pick up within one minute. If it's hard vegetables like red robu, please roll it longer.
One week quick weight loss recipe Saturday:
noon: a can of canned fruit. Coffee or tea.
Dinner: A slice of turkey breast or chicken breast. Lettuce or tomato salad. Coffee or tea.
One week quick weight loss recipe Sunday:
Noon: Turkey or chicken. Tomatoes or any kind of boiled vegetables are not limited. Four seasons fruits. Coffee and tea.
Dinner: beef minced steak. Cucumber, tomato or lettuce salad. Coffee and tea.
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